abdullh alhussain

Blooming الإزهار

abdullh alhussain

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Recently We went through hard time and it felt so long being separated from our world.. But somehow we got more connected to our self in a mysterious way. .....”Blooming”.....its an artwork that was created with lots of positive energy born from my faith and believes that after every hardship their will be a solution and hope. This artwork is dedicated to every one who have a strong believes during difficult days and was positively non stop giving others...

بعد ما ابتعادنا عن العالم الخارجي بسبب جائحه كورونا، أصابنا الملل ويمكن اليأس ولكننا اقتربنا من أنفسنا أكثر. .....'ازهرت' ...... هو عمل فني تتجلى فيه طاقة ايجابيه كبيرة منبعثة من إيماني العميق بانه بعد كل ضيق فرج كبير بإذن الله. ‎أهديها لكل شخص يملك إيماناً عميق في وقت الأزمات ومعطاءً في كل الأوقات.